Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Persuasive Speech: Computers in Classrooms.

Who would have ever thought that one day, pencils and paper would be replaced with computers. I know I didn't. Several years back, I remember the school administrators talking about getting lap tops for the students to use. I never dreamed that would happen. However, I was wrong. Although technology is becoming a major part of the way we learn in the classroom, I feel that the use of computers is being over done. Therefore, purchasing 5 mini labs is very unnecessary. Making the purchase would be a waste of money, and students still wouldn't use the computers for learning purposes. Also, some teaches may check out the mini labs to use in their classrooms, although it isn't necessary.
First, buying the mini labs would be a huge waste of money. There are already two good sized computer labs in our school, so I don't think that buying a lot more lap tops is necessary. Also, so far this year we have had many problems with the minis. Having to get each one fixed every time there is a problem will eventually add up to quite a bit of money. If the lap tops weren't purchased, the money could be spent on something more beneficial.
Also, students wouldn't use the lap tops for learning purposes. Most of them would spend their time on game websites and other sites non school related. This causes work to be delayed, and usually not finished. I, personally, find the computers complicated to use. In the majority of my classes, more time is used trying to figure out how the lap tops work, than actually completing an assignment. That just causes us to have more work to do at home. And, the computers always seem to cause problems. Half of the time the internet doesn't work. However, even if it does, it is always slow.
Last, I feel like some teachers would check out the minis just to have them for pointless activities. Therefore, if there was a teacher who actually needed the computers, he/she wouldn't have access to them. A lot of time would be wasted on which teacher would get the lap tops on which day. There is already enough trouble with scheduling, without the use of the minis.
Obviously, I am against the purchase of new mini labs. I think that they are a waste of money, a distraction, and are not used for proper reasons. Our school would function much better without them.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

banning ipods

Over the years, teachers have figured out more and more ways that students use to cheat. First, cell phones. Students would text message the answers back and forth. Now, they say students are cheating by using iPods. One teacher stated that they over heard students talking about downloading formulas and other materials onto their iPod in order to help them do better on the test. Because of this, many schools have started to ban the use of any electronic devices while in school.

Although I undersand why school officials don't want iPods used during school, I strongly disagree. Yes, kids have found new ways to cheat with their iPods, but not everyone uses them for cheating purposes. I feel that iPods should be allowed in between classes, at lunch, and during study hall. Also, after a student has finished their work, I think that they should be able to listen to their iPod then as well. Listening to an iPod does not disrupt anyone else in the classroom. The music volume can be kept low, and headphones are worn to keep the music from being played out loud. I see no problem with students using iPods during school. It is obvious that when one cheating device is taken away, students just come up with another new way. The kids who constantly cheat will find a way to do it with or without iPods. So, I don't understand why the students who use iPods strictly for relaxation and reasons that aren't related to cheating must be punished.